Thank you for visiting The Mushroom Lady, where we celebrate the wonderful world beneath our feet!
To support us financially, please sign up for one of the membership tiers below. This valuable donation gives you the ability to engage more deeply with The Mushroom Lady Community, build our website's resources, and further our research and advocacy effort on behalf of your health and the sustainability of our planet.
Access to the Premium Mushroom Lady Newsletter, our monthly newsletter, but includes the latest recipes, research, and local resources
Mushroom Lady Swag Store discount of 10%
A digital guidebook on safe and responsible mushroom foraging
Mushroom Curious
Fungal Enthusiast
Access to the Premium Mushroom Lady Newsletter, our monthly newsletter, but includes the latest recipes, research, and local resources
Mushroom Lady Swag Store discount of 15%
A digital guidebook on safe and responsible mushroom foraging
Free Monthly Mushroom Lady Webinar (capped at first 100 respondants)
A physical copy of the annual Mushroom Lady Calendar featuring stunning fungi photography
Mushroom Champion
Access to the Premium Mushroom Lady Newsletter, our monthly newsletter, but includes the latest recipes, research, and local resources
Mushroom Lady Swag Store discount of 20%
A digital guidebook on safe and responsible mushroom foraging
Free Monthly Mushroom Lady Webinar (capped at first 100 respondants)
A physical copy of the organization's annual Mushroom Lady Calendar featuring stunning fungi photography
Free 30 minute Mushroom Lady Q&A
Recognition as a "Mushroom Champion" in the organization's annual report and website (optional)
Quick Links
The Mushroom Lady Inc @ 2024, 501c3 Non-Profit
Thank you for visiting The Mushroom Lady, where we celebrate the wonderful world beneath our feet!
To support us financially, please sign up for one of the membership tiers below. This valuable donation gives you the ability to engage more deeply with The Mushroom Lady Community, build our website's resources, and further our research and advocacy effort on behalf of your health and the sustainability of our planet.
Access to the Premium Mushroom Lady Newsletter, our monthly newsletter, but includes the latest recipes, research, and local resources
Mushroom Lady Swag Store discount of 10%
A digital guidebook on safe and responsible mushroom foraging
Mushroom Curious
Fungal Enthusiast
Access to the Premium Mushroom Lady Newsletter, our monthly newsletter, but includes the latest recipes, research, and local resources
Mushroom Lady Swag Store discount of 15%
A digital guidebook on safe and responsible mushroom foraging
Free Monthly Mushroom Lady Webinar (capped at first 100 respondants)
A physical copy of the annual Mushroom Lady Calendar featuring stunning fungi photography
Mushroom Champion
Access to the Premium Mushroom Lady Newsletter, our monthly newsletter, but includes the latest recipes, research, and local resources
Mushroom Lady Swag Store discount of 20%
A digital guidebook on safe and responsible mushroom foraging
Free Monthly Mushroom Lady Webinar (capped at first 100 respondants)
A physical copy of the organization's annual Mushroom Lady Calendar featuring stunning fungi photography
Free 30 minute Mushroom Lady Q&A
Recognition as a "Mushroom Champion" in the organization's annual report and website (optional)